The art project OPEN THE BLACK BOXES! will provide free access to an ongoing open source database created by mapping people’s hopes and fears. This is in collaboration with Vital Space, which is a global, interdisciplinary, cross-media art platform.
At a time marked by a global pandemic, economic uncertainty, environmental catastrophe, social unrest and xenophobia, we find ourselves in the clasps of multiple fears. This project aims at giving voice to individual anxieties so as to ameliorate them and thus to enable collective solutions overcoming common predicaments.

OPEN THE BLACK BOXES! is a participatory Digital Art Project that asks people from local communities to reply with one word to one of the two questions: “What threatens you the most?” or “What are you most eager to preserve?”
The submitted words will be presented digitally as infographics that can be filtered by age, gender and country of the participants, and they will become part of a physical exhibition when the covid-related restrictions are overcome. Gathered without intermediaries, the words will become an extremely valuable record of our time: raw materials for artists, researchers, and people from every walk of life to make sense of the present crisis and reimagine our future.
Open the Black Boxes is an ongoing collaboration with Vital Space, a non-profit organization co-founded by DiEM25 Advisory Panel member (AP) Danae Stratou in 2010. It is dedicated to the initiation of art projects, research programs, conferences, publications and the formation of educational and media products designed to reach and influence a wide and diverse audience.
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