Post etichettati: coronavirus

A contrarian campaign to vaccinate the planet


How can governments do a better job of persuading people to get vaccinated against COVID? Mehran Khalilli explains.

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‘The Austerity Doctrine in the Time of Coronavirus’: with Brian Eno, Yanis Varoufakis, Stephanie Kelton and Naomi Klein [video]


Naomi Klein, Stephanie Kelton, Yanis Varoufakis, Brian Eno and Frank Barat discuss the impact of the austerity and COVID-19 virus.

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DiEM25 in Germany: Retrospection on an unusual year


For the German DiEM25 landscape, 2020 brought considerable change to our activist endeavours and electoral wing.

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News from Turkey: the Aegean Sea earthquake, maritime boundaries, and domestic violence


The pandemic has made clear the need to build a post-capitalist future! A political, social, cultural and economic overview from Turkey.

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DiEM25 on Europe’s Public Health 


Europe’s failure is entirely due to the long-term process of privatising, fragmenting and diminishing our public health systems.

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The DiEM25 Summer Festival 2020: Political organisation in Germany during the pandemic


DiEMers met in Berlin for the DiEM25 Summer Festival 2020 -- the yearly German-speaking reunion of the movement.

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News from Turkey: The figures are under control, but the pandemic is not


An uncontrolled ‘opening process’ reducing COVID-19 measures due to economic expectations has led to a renewed rise in cases.

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Accounting for ethics: the ‘ill’ logic of neoliberalism 


The failure of 'developed’ capitalist economies to safeguard citizens' wellbeing during a public health crisis reveals a need for moral accounting.

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Waves of demonstrations for housing in Luxembourg


DiEM25 activists part of the Luxembourg local group protested with tenants threatened with expulsions as part of a coalition for the right to housing.

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