DiEM25 returns to Berlin

DiEM25 returns to Berlin to develop its political roadmap

On May 25 we’re going back to the Volksbühne theatre in Berlin, where DiEM25 began just over a year ago. Without a doubt this will be our biggest gathering yet, as we will now develop our political roadmap to take the establishment head on… at the ballot box.
Two months ago, during the EU’s 60th birthday, we gathered in Rome to present our European New Deal policy agenda, DiEM25’s socio-economic alternative to the Establishment and the rising ‘nationalist international’; our response to what needs to be done to save Europe from itself.
This week in Berlin, we shall answer another important question: How can we take our European New Deal to the ballot box in every corner of Europe, and make it a reality?
On Thursday, May 25 at 10am, our co-founders Yanis Varoufakis and Srećko Horvat will hold a press conference at the Volksbühne theatre’s “Roter Salon”, where they will outline DiEM25’s political roadmap to take our European New Deal to ballot boxes across the Union.
The main event that day will begin at 8pm on the theatre’s main stage. Speakers will include various members of DiEM25’s advisory panel and coordinating collective, like Saskia Sassen, Katja Kipping, Noam Chomsky, Renata Ávila and Ken Loach. Also, British Labour MP, Clive Lewis and Ecuador’s outgoing Foreign Minister, Guillaume Long are among the event’s guest participants.
In addition, DiEM25 members and activists from all over Europe will join us and hold various panels and workshops.
(See schedule below or visit our event page for specifics on timing and locations for all DiEM25 activities taking place at the Volksbühne).
Berlin Schedule

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