We will take to the streets for a law respecting the constitutional rights of immigrants. The date of 3 October has been chosen because it is the day of remembrance for migrant deaths.
The Coordinating Collective of DiEM25 decided, at its meeting on 10 September, to approve the proposal of the Italian NC to join the national event that is being organised in Italy in favour of a citizenship law. Join us!
Ursula Von der Leyen, in her first speech on the state of the Union, stated that the Dublin Regulation will be abolished, but the transition from enunciations to new rules will be long and bumpy. That is why we have to shake up a Europe that has so far turned the other way in front of the fallen at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea and has remained inert in the face of the inhuman conditions of migrants in Lesbos, where the largest detention camp in Europe has been burnt down. From day to day, racism and social disintegration is growing. That is why we need to join forces in favour of an Internationalist Europe that treats non-European people as citizens and an Open Europe that takes into account all ideas, people and inspirations and conceives borders as signs of weakness as our Manifesto says.
We therefore invite the Italian activists to take part in the event to be held in Piazza Apostoli in Rome on 3 October at 3.30 p.m. and the foreign comrades of the DSC and the National Collectives of DiEM25 outside Italy to support the initiative, to replicate it elsewhere.
An excerpt from the Press Release on the event:
The reform of citizenship is a subject on which politics does not find the courage to take a decisive step. Yesterday the debate on ius soli failed and ended with an attempt to vote. Today the debate on ius culturae is standstill in the Senate, undermined by other priorities that we too consider necessary, but it can no longer wait. Children are asking us to do so because they lack a fundamental guarantee: to be recognised as Italian and Italian, to all intents and purposes.
Article 3 of the Constitution speaks clearly:
“All citizens have equal social dignity and are equal before the law, without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinions, personal and social conditions.”
Those who live in this territory are part of the country and contribute to its development are Italians by training, Italians by culture. Those who live in this territory, those who were trained here, those who are part of the country and contribute to its development and culture are entitled to full inclusion in the political community.
We are taking to the streets because we do not want to continue to have a ‘rented’ citizenship; we want to be owners of a membership that cannot be denied to us. We want a flag that includes, recognises and values our common history as that of the Italian-Somali black partisan Giorgio Marincola, to whom the C metro stop in Rome is now named. Let’s take to the streets to break the binomial immigration-security, to ask for the repeal of the Security decrees that have worsened the condition of the latter, regardless of their origin. It is a question of civilisation, social equity and justice that unites all and all generations.
We take to the streets on 3 October, the national day in memory of the victims of immigration established after the tragic shipwreck on 3 October 2013 off Lampedusa, for those who have not given up hope but have not found the right landing place in the middle of the sea. This is why we will reiterate that humanitarian corridors and the cancellation of the agreements with Libya are needed. We fight for equality and the abolition of the discriminatory system. We stand in solidarity with the last, the invisible without distinction of class, sexual orientation or ethnic origin.

The event is promoted by:
NIBI (Neri Italiani – Black Italians), Black Lives Matter Roma, CoNNGI, Baobab Experience, 6000 Sardines, Mamme per la Pelle, Libera, Cinecittà bene comune, Eritrea Democratica, Baobab Experience, African Community of Cassino, Italian-Somali Community, Haitian Fraternity, Sons of the Republic, Young Green Europeanists, Europa Verde, USB, Resistant Artists, the writer Matteo Petracci, the actor Thamisanqa Molepo, the lawyer Hillary Sedu, the former candidate for Mayor of Florence and city councilor Antonella Bundu, the writer Lorenzo Teodonio and Antar Marincola, nephew of Giorgio, the first black partisan who is the image of the event, and the page Prima gli esseri umani.
In addition to the promoters, dozens of associations, movements and politicians have joined.
To give a concrete sign of our support we can make small donations here!
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