>>We the women
Why does DiEM25 support the strike on 8 March?
Our movement proudly declares itself a feminist movement. As such, we understand that there cannot be democracy – based on justice, tolerance, and fairness – without gender equality.
We, the women, will go to the strike to condemn the violence to which we are subjected. It is not only the chilling figures of abuse, assault, and murder across Europe, but also the injustice of the payroll gap, the imposition of gender roles, the obligation of caretaking, the non-realization of our legitimate aspirations as citizens with full rights and equal opportunities.
We, the women, who are united by a strong and deep Europeanist feeling, know that if we succeed in the democratization of our spaces, we will achieve a more just and egalitarian society.
We, the women, have worked hard during our long common history, although our efforts have often not been justly recognised. We know that this failure of recognition flows from an androcentric world in which our role has been relegated to the private sphere and our functions limited to reproduction and care-taking tasks. Together we have faced the barbarity that blighted Europe during the World Wars spreading fascism, xenophobia, racism and ultranationalism everywhere. It is impossible to cite all the women that made possible the European dream. Simone Veil, first woman to be president of the organism or Sofia Corradi, ideologue of the Erasmus project. They paved the paths that others continue to follow.
Since the first feminist fights, aimed towards the consecution of the women vote, we have been forced to fight for that which belongs to us by right. Our social commitment to democratic values compels us to take a stance and position ourselves with all of those demands that aim to achieve the objectives for which we were born as a movement. This is our way of expressing ourselves.
We show our solidarity with the women around the world, with a particular emphasis on those who have had no option but to abandon their homes in the midst of conflict, and who now suffer twofold as women and refugees. These women and their daughters arrive at our doorstep, but a de-humanized Europe severs their lives by barring their entry.
We will go to the strike on the 8 March. We will go together to shout with all our strength that we are here, that we must be counted on to build a Europe that is egalitarian and without borders, and that without us nothing will be possible, because if we stop, the world stops.
We will change Europe, but it will be done … with the women, or it will not happen.
Marina is a member of DSC-Galicia.

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