Want to be a candidate for our national-level organisations?

Our volunteers in Germany, Italy, Greece and Belgium are preparing to take the next organisational step and establish elected National Collectives (NCs) to coordinate DiEM25’s efforts in their countries for the next two years.
True to the radical transnational principles of DiEM25, any member (regardless of citizenship or where they live) can put forward their candidacy to represent the movement in these countries, just as all of us will be called to vote on the final list of candidates.
The deadline for applications is December 8 at 11.55pm CET. Voting will start the following morning, December 9, and will run until December 19.
Interested? Head over to our site’s Members Area to learn more about our NCs and how to nominate yourself.
Want to learn more about National Collectives? Read on!
DiEM25 National Collectives
Our National Collectives are the coordinating bodies responsible for organising DiEM25 activities in specific countries. Activities like growing our membership, assisting our local groups (DSCs), connecting with other like-minded networks, social movements, political forces and civil society organisations, and making our movement more visible in the social and political landscape at national level.
And, of course, in the wake of our landmark decision that we should be able compete in elections, our NCs will also take a leading role in organising, together with our Coordinating Collective, DiEM25’s country-level involvement in any electoral contests our membership decides we should be present in.
Important note: NCs do not represent the customary top-down layers of power found in most political organisations. Quite the opposite: it’s precisely because of our movement’s innovative, open and transnational nature that all committed DiEMers can be a candidate in an NC – regardless of citizenship or where they live.
Working in an NC is an opportunity to get hands-on in a horizontal, pan-European initiative willing to push our movement further. It’s hard work too, but this is what we at DiEM25 signed up for: taking charge of transforming the EU!

Volete essere informati delle azioni di DiEM25? Registratevi qui!

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