A couple of weeks ago we asked for your support to help our team embark on a journey across the Greek mainland.

The first part of our mission: to reconnect with many of the volunteers and organisers who we first met in the heat of the electoral campaign last year.
Because of your generous donations, the journey was a success! From the bottom of our hearts: Thank you. You made it happen!
We travelled almost 2,000 km in 5 days, hopping from city to city, to speak with activists who turned our hope of entering the Greek Parliament into a reality last year.
Your contribution was fundamental for helping us meet with the people who made it all happen and let them tell their story: the challenges they faced, and how they understand the connection between their struggle in Greece and DiEM25’s transnational struggle to transform Europe. You made it happen.
In the words of Venita, one of the activists we interviewed,
“I see no difference between the local work we do here in Patra, the work across Greece, or the fight across Europe. We are all part of the same effort and that’s the greatest asset of DiEM25. An asset we need to strengthen.”
Now, over the next weeks we will be busy working on the second part of our mission: editing the footage and finalising the documentary – the story of what a group of determined DiEMers can achieve and spread their message throughout Europe!
Your help is still needed as much as ever to spread our message and galvanise our activists across Europe — DiEM25 can and must replicate our Greek activists’ success everywhere.
For this documentary to be completed and reach as many DiEMers as possible we need to get the software and licenses, secure professional editing help. Please consider donating to help us complete this mission.
From your brothers and sisters in Greece: Σας ευχαριστούμε από καρδιάς, (we thank you from the bottom of our hearts).
To see what your donations have made possible so far and get a taste of what you would be enabling with your kind help, have a look at our trailer above!
Carpe DiEM25!
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