Tourism and climate change: a toxic combination

Climate change is a multifaceted problem. It roots not only in our views of the environment as a rubbish dump, but also in the indifference of material interests, shallow public scientific debates, and poor allocation of resources. It’s complex, worldwide.
But one key driver of carbon emissions – previously overlooked – is something that we can control: the tourist industry.
Scientists have been trying to quantify the effect of tourism for decades. But a recent study suggests that our previous calculations were considering only part of the problem. In fact, by analyzing the effect of tourism in a more holistic approach, some alarming results emerge: between 2009 and 2013 tourism and tourism-related carbon emissions increased by 20 per cent. This number significantly escalates the contribution of tourism to global carbon emissions.
Of course, fighting tourism-related emissions is not enough. Our planet faces multiple crises, and we need to tackle them all at the same time; We have already noted that the fight for poverty and against climate change should not be independent. This is why we design our policies collectively and holistically. We envision restoration of democracy in conjunction with sound economic policies and heavy investments in green technologies. Join us here and contribute to our common fight!

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