After weeks of lively debates within our movement (see forum discussion and video debate), DiEM25 members have decided that our position on Israel-Palestine should be to propose a Single Democratic Secular State solution.
See the results below:

More than 52% of eligible members turned out to vote in order to decide DiEM25’s stance. DiEM25 members had more than two weeks to review the two proposals and decide which of the three options below to vote for. The vote took place after a lengthy forum discussion and a recorded video debate — featuring special guest Roger Waters — between proponents of the different options.
The All-Member Vote on Israel-Palestine included the following three options:
- Option 1: Proposal by the Coordinating Collective
- Option 2: Alternative proposal by 11 individual members of DiEM25
- Option 3: DiEM25 should not, at least for now, take a position on Israel-Palestine
We also organised two DiEM TV events on this topic. One of the events was hosted by Yanis Varoufakis, featuring special guest Omar Barghouti, co-founder of the BDS movement. The second event was hosted by David Adler and Arturo Desimone, and featured Norman Finkelstein, American political scientist, activist and author, and Mouin Rabbani, Dutch-Palestinian Middle East analyst specialising in the Arab-Israeli conflict and Palestinian affairs.
There was a genuine debate within DiEM25 over the last weeks, which culminated in a close yet clear outcome, which shows just how considered the vote was.
This is yet another fantastic example of how it is entirely possible to implement truly pioneering democratic processes at the transnational level, involving citizens from across Europe and the World to ultimately decide DiEM25’s official positions on important topics, such as this one.
More information concerning follow-up actions to come.
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