We stand against trade with settlements – sign the petition now

We urge our audience and members to sign the European Citizens’ Initiative to send a message against trade with settlements

While the EU claims to oppose annexation and considers the illegal settlements in occupied territories an obstacle to international peace and stability, what it actually practices on this matter is very different.

Trade is still allowed between the European Single Market and such settlements, making their existence not only viable, but economically profitable for the occupiers.

As war rolls on in Ukraine, and other tragically less popular conflicts continue to rage in Palestine, Yemen, Mali and across the world, it is imperative that our movement does not support Europe’s legacy of hypocrisy.

We support the creation of a law that will apply to EU relations with occupied territories anywhere, sending a powerful message around the world that the EU will no longer reward territorial aggression with trade and profits.

The Stop Trade With Settlements campaign was initiated with this very objective in mind, and we urge you to follow this link in order to sign the European Citizens’ Initiative.

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