MeRA25 launches their own radio!

Follow the day-to-day issues with MERA25 Radio

The voice of all those people who were silenced by the capitulation on the night of the Referendum was heard again for the first time in Parliament four years later — with the entry of MERA25 in Parliament. But this voice is still being silenced outside Parliament. It is presented as an echo of a mob that either went to destroy Greece (ND-PASOK propaganda) or was under delusions (SYRIZA propaganda). But this voice cannot be silenced forever. It will also be heard outside Parliament.

While the political leaders will talk about the pandemic in Parliament, Boulika Michalopoulou will launch Radio MERA at

MeRA25 refuses to be silenced!

MeRA25 Radio went live today 15 January at 12:00 (GMT+2). For the initial launch period, the daily live broadcast will be 2 hours long, from 12-14.00 (GMT+2). Under the title “MeRA25’s viewpoint”, it will focus on the day’s issues, through the lens of MeRA25. The “voice” of the radio will be seasoned radio broadcaster Boulika Michalopoulou.

The initial broadcast will be at least 4 hours long, covering tomorrow’s Parliament’s proceedings. You can also look forward to new hosts and programmes which will soon be announced, covering a variety of areas such as culture, ecology, and economics!

The broadcast page can be found here.

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