This month has unquestionably been dominated by the coronavirus crisis. It has tightened its grip on our societies, politics, and economies, making the present and future feel equally uncertain. Nor is the past safe, as horrendous human rights transgressions such as those that occurred in the Greek-Turkish border at the beginning of the month feel like a distant memory. However, DiEM25 has been as active as ever, finding ways to remain relevant even in quarantine.
A new world is tantalisingly close; its nature dependent on how we respond to the times of coronavirus. It is true that the coronavirus crisis is presenting us with unprecedented challenges, but these can be transformed into unique opportunities for progressives everywhere.
Here is a highlight reel of the most important activities of the movement and its Electoral Wings have been engaged in this month.
March 3rd: MeRA25 condemns the brutal treatment of refugees and migrants
the Turkish government allowed thousands of refugees and migrants to gather at the Greek-Turkish border and attempt a crossing. This came as relations between Turkey and the EU deteriorated due to withheld payments promised to Turkey from the EU, in return for the housing of refugees and migrants in the country (a deal which initiated the DiEM25 campaign: #StopTheDeal). Our Greek electoral wing MeRA25 was quick to respond with a strong condemnation of the Greek government’s brutal treatment of people, and made the reasonable demand: open the borders and stop the deal!
March 10th: Support for a Greek response to COVID-19
MeRA25 was quick to react to the threat posed by COVID-19 and proposed 7+1 policies to be implemented in Greece for combating the virus and ensuring the economic brunt of the crisis is not borne but the weakest in society.
March 13th: Free, Universal, Public Healthcare for all
In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, we called for “free, universal, public health care” for all!
March 14th: Release of Euroleaks
We came through with our promise to publish the full Eurogroup recordings from Yanis Varoufakis’ tenure as Greek Finance Minister: the Euroleaks! The event was covered widely by the media around Europe: Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Greece, Sweden, Russia and many more, and will inform political debates, articles, and academic research for years. Another important contribution to the struggle for the democratisation of Europe. You can view the full recordings and transcripts, as well as their explainers, on the Euroleaks website.
March 23rd: DiEMTV and a municipal election win!
We launched an exciting new initiative: DiEM25 TV! It brings together some of the greatest progressive thinkers to discuss what the coronavirus pandemic means politically, socially and economically, as well as what can be done to make the most of this new opportunity for radical change.
On the same day, DiEM25 member Nathalie Robilliart — who our movement endorsed in the local elections in the city of Mons-en-Baroeul — was elected to her city council. Furthermore, other lists we were a part of, or supported, did well and have a good chance at electing councillors when the second round takes (currently postponed due to measures pertaining to COVID-19). Félicitations Nathalie Robilliart!
March 24th: Calling for the immediate release for Assange
We supported Julian Assange’s application for bail and demanded his immediate release, which was infuriatingly turned down by the British court. Assange suffers of a chronic respiratory condition and is at great risk from COVID-19.
March 25th: MeRA25 continues its country tour
MeRA25 decided to continue their ambitious tour of the country that it had organised with its MPs by organising it online!
March 26th: 3-point plan for dealing with COVID-19 depression
Following the appalling, yet depressingly predictable failure of the EU to present a reasonable organisational and financial response to the COVID-19 crisis, DiEM25 published an ambitious yet immediately implementable 3-point plan for dealing with the economic depression caused by the pandemic.
26th March: Day of Solidarity
On the anniversary of the founding of MeRA25, our comrades in Greece established a Day of Solidarity with a powerful symbolic and practical gesture: they donated the thousands of euros they had raised to organise the Party Congress in May (which has of course been postponed due to COVID-19) to support those social groups most at risk during this crisis. (article in Greek)
March 29th: Supporting refugees and migrants during the crisis
We echoed our Portuguese NC’s initiative to support the Portuguese government’s decision to treat all refugees, migrants and asylum-seekers in the country as residents for the duration of the coronavirus crisis, extending much-needed support to these vulnerable groups.
Next Month in DiEM25: April!
Keep an eye out for these exciting initiatives in the next month:
- A new week of DiEM25 TV! REGISTER HERE.

- The continuation of the MeRA25 online tour of Greece
- A series of livestreamed calls with the Coordinating Collective of DiEM25
- And much, much more
If you wish to send a point to be included in the next newsletter, or want to help draft it, please contact us at [email protected]
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