DiEM25 Unveils Its 'European New Deal: An Economic Agenda for European Recovery’

DiEM25’s paper entitled ‘European New Deal: An economic agenda for European Recovery’ will be launched on the 25th March 2017 in Rome, in the context of the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome. The full version of the paper will be made public before that event to prepare the deliberations that will take place in Rome.


>> DiEM25’s European New Deal – A Summary

The idea of Europe is in retreat and the European Union is at an advanced state of disintegration.
With Brexit, one great pillar of the European Union has already fallen. Others may follow – if not in this year’s election cycle then perhaps in the next.
“I don’t care what it will cost. We took our country back!” This is the proud message of Brexit supporters. It is also an aspiration that we begin to encounter everywhere in Europe, even amongst left-wingers advocating a return to the nation-state.
So, is Europe a lost cause? Can it be saved? Should it be saved?
DiEM25 believes that we, the peoples of Europe, must take our countries back. Indeed we need to take our regions back. We need to take our cities and towns back. But to take back our countries, our regions and our cities, we need to reclaim common purpose amongst sovereign peoples. And to do this we need an internationalist, common, transnational European project. We need a European New Deal. This document outlines just that.

Click here to read the entire summary


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