DiEM25 on Trumpism’s Washington rampage

Trumpism went on a rampage in Washington. DiEM25 condemns this show of neo-fascist force.

Since 2016, DiEM25 has been fighting against Trumpism and the Nationalist International it is associated with across Europe. But DiEM25 has also been fighting against the causes of Trumpism.

What are the causes of Trumpism? The deflationary effects of the policy, practised since 2008 in the USA and across Europe, of socialism for the oligarchs and austerity for the many.

Tragically, the incoming Biden administration, just like the oligarchic establishment in the European Union, are determined to avoid the implementation of a genuine Green New Deal and of a policy of international solidarity at the time of a pandemic —  the only antidote to Trumpism.

The crocodile tears of the oligarchic establishment at the state of our democracies will only bolster Trumpism in the USA and the Nationalist International in Europe. This is why DiEM25 will continue to fight against Trumpism and against the causes of Trumpism.

Statement by DiEM25’s Coordinating Collective

Image Source: The Intercept

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