DiEM25 brings you People’s Gatherings!

Let’s tackle the issues compounded by COVID-19 and build a Europe worth fighting for!

This holiday season, DiEM25 brings you People’s Gatherings! As a direct response to the COVID-19 crisis and the isolation we have all felt this year, this citizen engagement project will spark new conversations around the core issues plaguing our time — from austerity to the refugee crisis, from ecological breakdown to our democratic deficit in Europe, and much more! It is the first step in forging ambitious and realistic programmes for our countries, bringing the DiEM25 story closer to the citizens whose lives we want to improve.

We must gather our hearts and minds to tackle the lasting impact of COVID-19 on our communities. 

Even if COVID-19 vaccines start taking effect, the socioeconomic impact of the virus will be long-lasting and will not only devastate the most vulnerable members of our communities, but will be felt across the middle class as well. COVID-19 is about to plunge the global economy, still weak from our failure to deal with the underlying causes of the previous crisis (2008), into mayhem. The way our countries are currently run is failing all of us, socially, economically, and environmentally, and has been for decades. Millions are left politically homeless or vote for extremes out of desperation: COVID-19 only exacerbated an already present crisis.  

Let’s imagine and invest in new ways of living  — ones different from the policies that created this mess in the first place. 

Politicians and organisations that continue to prioritise the rich and powerful over everyone else cannot lead us out of the mess they have put us in. 

The COVID-19 experience offers us a new foundation from which to start building, as our needs become as clear as those who stand in our way to meeting them. More than ever, we need to reach out to our neighbors, families and friends, to our old comrades and new peers — and to all the ‘others’ we have forgotten or been unable to speak to. 

Let’s show people what Europe could be!

Beyond connecting and discussing with members and fellow citizens, the intended outcome of this ambitious project is to form a political programme around which we can rally to fight for our threatened futures. As a Gatherings organiser, you can help us prepare for this fight!

What is a People’s Gathering, and how can I join the project?

People’s Gatherings are meetings organised by DiEM25 members, during which we can discuss and answer the most pressing questions faced by our communities. They will be guided by questionnaires developed by our membership and the CC that refer to the most pressing political issues in the country where the events are organised. 

Gatherings can include not just fellow DiEMers but anyone you think you can engage: your friends, local community leaders, policy experts, activists, or just your family members! They can take place in the park, around the dinner table, or online via conferencing software, or even while gaming online (just remember to respect COVID restrictions)! Be creative, engage as many people as you can, and download our resources here for more information. 

How can I support this project? 

You can find out more and become an organiser by going to our project page

Don’t have time to organise a gathering? You can also donate to help further this project and support the development of political programmes across Europe!

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