Today is a shameful day: it’s the one-year anniversary of the EU-Turkey deal on refugees that’s tearing families apart, inflicting unnecessary suffering on people who have already suffered the unimaginable and sending the worst message to the world about the values of Europe, our common home.
That’s why at DiEM25 we launched #StopTheDeal, a campaign to take the EU-Turkey refugee deal to court in a bid to save the life of Shabbir Iqbal – a Pakistani refugee trapped in Lesvos, Greece – and improve the lives of millions.

Shabbir Iqbal
But we remain behind Shabbir, and won’t let him down… nor the millions like him. So we’re asking you to please sign and share this petition to help us raise awareness about Shabbir and our struggle to #StopTheDeal.
You can also write to your representatives (we have a template letter to make this easier). And, of course, you can join DiEM25 and discover how our movement is fighting to transform the EU to create a better future for all.
Thank you for being part of this vital struggle!

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