The myth of the ‘migrant burden’ debunked

We are frequently asked: Do we really want refugees to come into “our” countries, or will they only hurt our economies and take from our social services? Right-wing politicians and their allies in the mainstream media call for Europe to restrict immigration flows on the basis of their financial burden, throwing in some extra fear-mongering around dangers to our culture and threats of violence and terrorism.
But recent research has provided definitive proof to the contrary: migrants and refugees actually boost growth in their host countries! And these gains are not only felt in the long-term, after a couple of generations – but also in the short-term. Within five years, migrants have a very strong positive impact on economies, without accounting for the gains the accrue to societies by dint of their new ideas. This myth has been conclusively debunked.
DiEM25’s position has always been clear: Let them in! We refuse to turn our eyes away from the problem. Migrants are human beings struggling for survival, and we ought to treat them with respect and dignity. We promote peace and peaceful negotiations to support their integration. To support this effort, it is urgent to act now! Let’s fight together!

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