Post etichettati: Srecko Horvat

The new season of DiEM TV is finally here! 


A new season of DIEM25 TV - DiEM25's radically hopeful and constructive Television programme - is coming to you on Monday, November 30!

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Everything must change, so that nothing remains the same


The book based on our DiEM25 TV conversations - 'Everything Must Change!' - is finally out. Read Srećko Horvat's foreword here!

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Srećko Horvat: The Belmarsh Tribunal


The Belmarsh Tribunal puts the US on trial for its crimes of the 21st century and draws attention to the case of Julian Assange for revealing them.

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Everything Must Change! The World After COVID-19


The book brings together prominent thinkers to present a rich and nuanced weighing of progressive possibilities in the wake of the pandemic.

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DiEM25 TV Presents: Vandana Shiva, Christian Drosten, Grace Blakeley, Kenneth Goldsmith and more!


Join us at DiEM25 TV: a radically hopeful and constructive Television programme.

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Amazon whistleblower Chris Smalls on DiEMTV for International Workers Day


On May Day, we must unite in solidarity with precarious workers everywhere and denounce bad practices in companies like Amazon.

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DiEM25 TV Presents: Roger Waters, Jodi Dean, Angela Richter and more!


Join us at DiEM25 TV: a radically hopeful and constructive Television programme.

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DiEMTV presents: Evgeny Morozov, Shoshana Zuboff, Roger Waters and more!


Join us at DiEM25 TV: a radically hopeful and constructive Television programme.

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DiEM25 launches online TV series: the World After Coronavirus


Don't wait for someone to ask you what you have been doing in 2020, join us by seizing this historic moment!

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