Post etichettati: progressive international

How progressives could still win the 21st century


We are at a fork in the road. Postcapitalism is underway, albeit on a path to dystopia. Only a Progressive International can help alter this path.

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The Belmarsh Tribunal: We stand with Assange


Yanis Varoufakis, Srećko Horvat, M.I.A., Pamela Anderson, Lula, Rafael Correa, Roger Waters, Slavoj Žižek and others to demand Assange’s release ...

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Radical internationalism in the face of climate breakdown: Why we need a Global Green New Deal


The Progressive International's Inaugural Summit underscored humanity’s now looming stark choice: “Internationalism or Extinction”.

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Protest against the extradition of Julian Assange in Bonn, Germany


DiEM25's local group in Bonn call for the freedom of Assange and that of all brave whistleblowers and investigative journalists around the world.

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The existential threat facing humanity, and how we can fight back


It is no exaggeration to say that the fate of the human experiment depends on the outcome of this struggle between two internationals.

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The Denier of Love, Capitalism!


Radical love and compassion is urgently needed to face imminent threats noted by Noam Chomsky; nuclear annihilation and environmental catastrophe.

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Internationalism or Extinction: Inaugural Summit of the Progressive International


On 18-20 September, the Progressive International (PI) will host its inaugural summit 'Internationalism or Extinction' - join us!

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Last Month in DiEM25: August 2020


Now, more than ever, we need a strong, capable movement to push ahead our common-sense agenda for Europe and its people.

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Berlin Diaries: “Protests, Concerns & Hopes”


The radical systemic changes that the BLM is fighting for require internationalism and persistence. We need to talk about neoliberal capitalism.

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