Post etichettati: politics

Germany: will the federal election bring any positive change for Europe?


With 16 years of Angela Merkel coming to an end, who will be the next German chancellor? By Clemens Holtmann.

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Emotion is at the heart of politics — the Left must remember that


Emotion should not be deified, nor eluded as the quintessence of politics. It is a necessary condition, though not a sufficient one.

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Lessons from this summer’s calamitous Greek forests inferno – The Guardian


This summer’s firestorm was utterly foreseeable – as was the inability of our state to respond effectively.

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Gold mining project threatens livelihood of communities in Northern Ireland


Extractive industries are too often indifferent to the impact that their work has on communities and the environment.

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What political lessons can we learn from football? A lively chat with Yanis Varoufakis, Brian Eno, Roger Waters and Ken Loach


A lively chat about football and politics between Yanis Varoufakis, Brian Eno, Ken Loach and Roger Waters, hosted by Frank Barat.

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Live tonight on DiEM TV: “Can we create freedom?” with Maja Pelević and special guest Raoul Martinez — 8PM CEST


Raoul and Maja will talk about power, control, our identities and whether it's possible to make radical changes in our society.

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“Anything to Say” art exhibition inaugurated in Geneva in support of Julian Assange


Art project ‘Anything to Say?’’ by sculptor and DiEM25 member Davide Dormino, was officially inaugurated on Saturday, June 5, in Geneva.

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The results are in! DiEM25 members decide movement’s official stance on Israel-Palestine


After weeks of debate within DiEM25, the All-Member Vote on Israel-Palestine culminated in a close yet clear outcome.

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ΜeRΑ25 Congress: A Celebration of Democracy — June 4-6


MeRA25, DiEM25's Electoral Wing in Greece, is holding its first Congress between June 4-6 at the Multi-unit Site of Drapetsona.

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