Post etichettati: Poland

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Poland’s abortion ban, a warning for all women* in Europe


Every one of us must stand in solidarity with fellow Poles. Decisions about our bodily autonomy should not be left in the hands of any state.

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On the day of the general elections: the Left in Poland


The Green New Deal might sort the identity problem of the progressive forces

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Remembering Paweł Adamowicz: we must not let hate take over


Our thoughts are with all Polish citizens who want to commemorate Mayor Adamowicz and go out on the streets in silent protest marches against ...

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Autocracy wasn’t built in a day: How PiS build their regime bill by bill

Poland: Autocracy wasn’t built in a day


The current attack on the independence of the judiciary is an element of a broader regime change pushed by the ruling Law and Justice party and ...

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Polish Parliament Occupation

Poland, you won’t be left alone


This phase of Poland’s parliamentary crisis is over, but Poland remains stuck in a much deeper one – the crisis of far-right authoritarian rule, ...

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Right-wing lawmakers curb freedom of speech in Poland

Right-wing Lawmakers Curb Freedom of Press in Poland


DiEM25's Agnieszka Wiśniewska: "PiS’s playbook is clear: turn off the lights, upend constitutional rights in the dark and install an ...

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