Post etichettati: Housing

People’s Gatherings are taking place across Europe: Join the conversation!


If you are based in Serbia, Belgium or the UK, you can partake in Gatherings to discuss the key issues facing your country today.

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Unaffordable rents are crushing people during the pandemic


DiEM25 members are responding to colossal rent and mortgage debt obligations with a campaign tackling housing issues in Europe!

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No place for xenophobia in housing action


Xenophobia only serves to turn public attention away from the root cause of the housing shortage in the Netherlands.

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Waves of demonstrations for housing in Luxembourg


DiEM25 activists part of the Luxembourg local group protested with tenants threatened with expulsions as part of a coalition for the right to housing.

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Britain’s COVID-19 housing crisis


Being housebound for months due to COVID-19 has highlighted the disparity in housing quality between the haves and have-nots.

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Selective solidarity in Brussels


We cannot have 'selective solidarity' if we want to avoid the next humanitarian crisis.

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