Post etichettati: healthcare

Oppose the Health and Care Bill: join the NHS day of action on February 26


From Feb 14, billboards, ad vans and bus stops will carry direct messages to voters in constituencies where their Tory MP voted for the Bill.

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French organisations support healthcare staff in calling for a demonstration on 16 June


The World After Coronavirus can only be built when we rally behind an alternative to capitalism.

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SOS! European hospitals are struggling


Healthcare workers have been warning us about increasing austerity cuts since before COVID-19. Governments must reinvest in public services.

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Greek Tragedy and the first days of COVID-19 in Sicily


It is our inability to deal with the virus that is killing us. In quarantine, we must excavate faded ideals and re-establish what is truly important. 

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Applause as a form of social distancing


Far from being a gesture of solidarity with workers, the act of applauding is in reality a form of social distancing from them.

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European PPE shortages betray lack of solidarity with workers


PPE shortages endanger the lives of healthcare professionals, limit the availability of staff, and impact mental well-being.

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DiEM25 demands citizenship and healthcare for refugees, migrants and the homeless


We demand that those who are not considered part of civil society but are our fellow beings have equal and full access to healthcare for all.

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The fight against pandemics can only be won with free, universal, public health care


When everybody is in danger, nobody is safe: this is the first lesson the Coronavirus pandemic has taught us, or better, reminded us of: that ...

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