Post etichettati: health

A vaccine apartheid is unfolding across the globe


The COVID-19 vaccine should be a public good -- but instead, a global vaccine apartheid is unfolding. 

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Focus on the main priorities in Italy: Health, school, work, digitalisation


Patrizia Pozzo and Antonella Trocino comment on the government crisis in Italy and what should be done to meet the needs of citizens.

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The Green New Deal for Europe offers a more compassionate future for workers


This crisis has made many people unemployed and overworked others, and a lack of EU coordination has left nations struggling to cope with the virus.

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The crisis of Care: Carers are not ‘hard to reach’, they are easy to ignore


Until carers are supported and funded to unite across regions and borders, they will continue to die from Coronavirus and continue to be exploited.

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Greek Tragedy and the first days of COVID-19 in Sicily


It is our inability to deal with the virus that is killing us. In quarantine, we must excavate faded ideals and re-establish what is truly important. 

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Applause as a form of social distancing


Far from being a gesture of solidarity with workers, the act of applauding is in reality a form of social distancing from them.

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The fight against pandemics can only be won with free, universal, public health care


When everybody is in danger, nobody is safe: this is the first lesson the Coronavirus pandemic has taught us, or better, reminded us of: that ...

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