Post etichettati: Green New Deal for Europe

Why women are advocating for a Green New Deal for Europe


Women that are a part of the DiEM25 movement support the Green New Deal for Europe for a variety of reasons. Read their statements on ...

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Biodiversity will not be saved with incremental progress


To protect the planet from ourselves, we have to confront capitalism.

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On the day of the general elections: the Left in Poland


The Green New Deal might sort the identity problem of the progressive forces

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The Great Redefining


The epicentre of our crises could be the place to reinstate the Left to its proper place.

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The Green New Deal for Europe paves the way for global justice


Any solution worth its salt should take into account that the climate crisis is born out of capitalism.

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DiEMers from Sicily oppose Special Economic Zones


While holiday season is in full swing, the Sicilian government passed its proposal for Special Economic Zones in Syracuse. DSC Augusta 1 raises ...

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