Post etichettati: European Union

Lessons from Idlib for the EU : In the Twilight of a Ceasefire


We need a New Deal on immigration. A lack of imagination among centrist politicians has led to a failed response to immigration.

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Why are they saying no to the eurobond? The case for constructive disobedience in the EU Council


"Without the eurobond, this European Union -- or at least the Eurozone -- has no future."

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Does the EU have the courage to govern the future?


The European Union will unite or perish. DiEM25's 3-point plan offers the only way towards unification.

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How austerity is threatening public health


As a result of austerity measures, a major crisis is now unfolding across Europe as the lack of beds, equipment and staff has forced doctors and ...

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The fight against pandemics can only be won with free, universal, public health care


When everybody is in danger, nobody is safe: this is the first lesson the Coronavirus pandemic has taught us, or better, reminded us of: that ...

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Why environmental breakdown is a gendered issue


The effects of environmental breakdown have a gendered dimension - a holistic transformation of the economy is needed to address it. The Green ...

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The Great Redefining


The epicentre of our crises could be the place to reinstate the Left to its proper place.

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DiEM25’s State of the Union


We bundle progressive forces across Europe to jointly defend the attacks by nationalists, right-wing populists and rabble-rouser on our core values.

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