Post etichettati: draghi

Italy desperately needs a radical political alternative


We expect little from the coming elections, already feeling let down as the 'new' parliament will be composed of the same old faces

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Italy’s PM Mario Draghi isn’t fighting poverty — he’s making it worse


On 19 March, Mario Draghi held a press conference at Palazzo Chigi to present a bill containing the highest tax amnesty in the last five years.

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Draghi’s hiring of McKinsey is ‘an affront to the Italian people’


The Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance hired a McKinsey to ‘organise’ Italy’s distribution of the Recovery Fund monies.

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Draghi’s outrageous deployment of McKinsey, Europe’s predicament


Varoufakis addresses Europe’s response to the economic challenges of COVID-19 and how the EU should have responded instead.

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Draghi is neither a Keynesian nor a saviour of the Fatherland


Draghi's Government is composed of a privileged aristocracy that will not tackle increasing inequality, or access to education and employment.

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