Olga Dimitrijević and Maja Pelević talk about rebellious women who fight for a radical (eco)feminist socialist revolution and much more!
Leggi di più30.04.2021
Political organisation is vital to enable the move to post-capitalism. Some wind or a virus alone cannot subdue transnational power elites.
Leggi di più29.01.2021
In Another Now, Varoufakis imagined a new type of resistance movement that uses the tools of finance to bring down capitalism.
Leggi di più21.09.2020
Faced with the task of fighting against the Twin Authoritarianisms wrecking the future, we need a common plan of what needs to be done worldwide.
Leggi di più11.09.2020
Platform companies are dependent on capital injections and their employees rarely benefit from their 'success'.
Leggi di più25.06.2020
Monopoly capitalism created socialism for the bankers and for the very rich - and the arena of the unfettered markets for the many.
Leggi di più13.06.2020
Julian Assange calls from Belmarsh Prison and to talk to Yanis Varoufakis: “I want a perspective on world developments out there.”
Leggi di più12.06.2020
The radical systemic changes that the BLM is fighting for require internationalism and persistence. We need to talk about neoliberal capitalism.
Leggi di più14.04.2020
Capitalists are sacrificing us on the altar of profit. But it is well within the power of workers to remake the world.
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DiEM25 è finanziato esclusivamente da contributi individuali da persone come te. Non riceviamo sovvenzioni comunitarie, sovvenzioni statali o fondi da aziende. Per favore sostieni DiEM25 se puoi. Non conta l'importo, la tua donazione farà molto per la nostra scommessa di trasformare l'Europa.