Post etichettati: Another Now

Draghi’s hiring of McKinsey is ‘an affront to the Italian people’


The Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance hired a McKinsey to ‘organise’ Italy’s distribution of the Recovery Fund monies.

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DiEM TV: Let’s Talk It Over with Frank Barat, Yanis Varoufakis, Roger Waters, Noura Erakat


Noura Erakat, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Roger Waters and Yanis Varoufakis discuss America after Trump and more!

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Did we see something like Another Now’s Crowdshorters in action?


In Another Now, Varoufakis imagined a new type of resistance movement that uses the tools of finance to bring down capitalism.

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Designing a postcapitalist future in the midst of the pandemic


We may already be in the early phase of a grim post-capitalism. It's time to start designing, together, a desirable post-capitalism.

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How progressives could still win the 21st century


We are at a fork in the road. Postcapitalism is underway, albeit on a path to dystopia. Only a Progressive International can help alter this path.

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Diary entries on Brexit, defending refugees and writing postcapitalist fiction


The world of money has decoupled from capitalism. Money markets are divorced from profit. What we now have is a dystopian variety of post-capitalism.

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Yanis Varoufakis and Russell Brand: “A Chance for Another Now”


Russell Brand hosts Yanis Varoufakis on 'Under the Skin': How can we unify the fragments of the left? Is there hope for an alternative future?

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