Post etichettati: activism

Tiny protest, big results


Mehran Khalili on how activists can use the media to their advantage, and why size doesn't matter when it comes to impact.

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Lessons of radical activism from the animal rights movement


A look at some of the methods used by the animal rights movement and whether they could be applied to other activist causes 

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No offence


Generating offence is a weapon of the Establishment – and they’re using it on you. Here’s how to fight back.

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DiEM25 steps up efforts in Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Denmark, and Sweden


As a bottom-up, internationalist movement, we’re counting on grassroots support to power our bid to transform Europe.

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How to fix climate activism


An interview with Dusan Pajovic: Green New Deal campaign coordinator, social psychologist, and radical activist.

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Our Campaign Accelerator programme is now open for applications


Want to work on an issue that’s making you mad? Now’s your chance! Submit your issue to Campaign Accelerator by October 30.

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DiEM25 members in Turkey gather in Bolu to organise activities for the coming months


Members of DiEM25 in Turkey came together in Bolu on September 18-19 to organise activities for the coming months.

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What we can learn from the online public shaming trend


The recent surge of social justice activity can help us run better campaigns – if you see it from a practical standpoint.

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Last Month in DiEM: May — and what’s coming up next


A round-up of our DiEM25 activities during the month of May, and what's coming up next in June! Looking to get active? Join us!

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