NC Czechia
DiEM25 Czechia has 12 elected members working on the strengthening of the movement in Czechia – coordinating campaigns, debates, social media and events, as well as establishing contacts between members, volunteers and DSCs. We invite you to get to know us by reading our presentations and bios and to get in touch in case you have any ideas/questions or suggestions. Carpe DiEM!
Jiří Šteg
I would like to participate in the DIEM25 attempt to rationalize and strengthen democracy in the EU and focus mainly on the adaptation and application of the principles of the Manifesto and related documents to Czech conditions, promoting them in the political and public space. Born in 1955, graduate of the University of Economics, macroeconomist. I worked for many years in the field of international transport and from 1987 to 1992 I worked at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Sofia. Subsequently, I worked on a number of projects in Bulgaria, Albania, Uzbekistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in France. For several years I taught EU issues and globalization at the College of International and Public Relations Prague. Since 2011 I have been intensively involved in civic activism, as a member and for some time a spokesperson for ProAlt, later I became intensively involved in the European and Czech movement against the TTIP and CETA agreements. Since 2014, I have been working as an advisor to an MEP, and since 2018 I have been a member of the Prime Minister's advisory circle. I am a member of the European association TUREC (Trade Union Related Economists). Sometimes I publish and appear in the media on topics from the border of economics and political science.
Antonín Hořčica
I am 61, I live in České Budějovice. I have a degree of food chemistry and bachelor's degree in economics. I work as a system manager for an international company. I am not a member of any political party. In the 80s, I was a member of the communist party, then I did not engage politically. 2010, I entered the anti-neoliberal movement ProAlt. 2013, I actively opposed the racist anti-Roma marches in České Budějovice. Since 2016, I have been a member of the DiEM25 movement. The DiEM25 ideas mean for me the vision of solidarity and tolerant Europe, in contrast to the current neo-liberal and nationalistic and xenophobic discourse.
Christos Piniatides
I was born on the island of Crete in Greece and then later studied transport and product design in the UK's Midlands, to my disillusionment. (I now believe, because of Yanis, that the best designers, marketers etc work in the industry whereas the best mathematicians, philosophers, chemists, linguists etc teach in Universities.) Then I returned to Greece during the crisis and some years later relocated to China to work in a mid-tier city as a designer in the transport sector. In 2016 I returned to Europe and pursued a personal project/startup developing a user-upgradeable laptop and spending time on DiEM25.
Jan Májíček
I see Diem25 in Czech Republic as an organization with progressive attitude towards Europe and open to discuss radical change on our continent and worldwide. I am a long-term activist, member of Socialistická Solidarita, PhD. candidate at Charles University in Prague.
Jiří Karen
Born in 1986, beekeeper, former speaker of ProAlt (movement against the neoliberal government of Petr Nečas), commentator of Deník Referendum, amateur actor and playwright, a student of doctoral studies in history didactics and lover of the sauna.
Karel Paluš
Stranická příslušnost: nezávislý Narození: 1950, Praha Sídlo: České Budějovice Profese: architekt podpora Strany Zelených jako nezávislý kandidát bez stranické příslušnosti ve volbách do zastupitelstva Jihočeského kraje konaných v roce 2016 podpora České pirátské strany jako nezávislý kandidát bez stranické příslušnosti ve volbách do zastupitelstva obce České Budějovice v roce 2018 od roku 2018 člen hnutí DiEM25, registrovaného jako mezinárodní nezisková organizace podle belgického práva EU, číslo registrace 662.528.113, se sídlem 40 rue Washington, 1050 Bruxelles-Ixelles, Belgie člen DSC České Budějovice, které je dle platných stanov DiEM25 samosprávným a základním spontánně vzniklým kolektivem hnutí za demokracii v Evropě 2025 DiEM25 člen Rady DiEM25 Česká republika, skupina Komunikace
Michael Beluský
DiEM25 is my first political experience. I was snapped out of my slumber by the wave of nationalism currently corrupting Europe and the inability of our politicians to look forward. I’m convinced, that unless we start to organize ourselves across the borders, we will be swallowed by the Global Capitalism. From unity, strength!
Renata Žďárková
My name is Renata Žďárková, old 52 years, I am 24 years married mother of two children, I live in České Budějovice having passed a gymnasium (grammar school) and the Faculty of Education (specialisation in Czech and German), I was teaching at a state language school, now I am helping psychically handicapped people, and I have been the chairwoman of our housing cooperative for 13 years I was helping ProAlt, since 2015 I am member of the Czech Pirate Party being a sceptical introvert, I see in the DiEM25 program the last chance for the current pseudofree European society to have a future
Maria Sandra Castineiras
I am Spanish living in Prague since 2002. I studied Philology and worked 8 years as a Teacher and Cultural agent organizing events in the Free University from Berlin and in the University of Economics from Prague. I work as a Program manager in the IT sector since 2006. I am passionate about ethics and justice, learning languages and singing.
DiEM25 è finanziato esclusivamente da contributi individuali da persone come te. Non riceviamo sovvenzioni comunitarie, sovvenzioni statali o fondi da aziende. Per favore sostieni DiEM25 se puoi. Non conta l'importo, la tua donazione farà molto per la nostra scommessa di trasformare l'Europa.
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DiEM25 è finanziato esclusivamente da contributi individuali da persone come te. Non riceviamo sovvenzioni comunitarie, sovvenzioni statali o fondi da aziende. Per favore sostieni DiEM25 se puoi. Non conta l'importo, la tua donazione farà molto per la nostra scommessa di trasformare l'Europa.