Post di: Taskforce on Feminism, Diversity and Disabilities

Being on the autistic spectrum in Europe, care challenges, employment and solutions


World Autistic Pride Day - June 18, an international celebration, promoting understanding and acceptance of autism, established in 2005.

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International Migrants Day and COVID19: A call for a migrant’s lens in policy


A rise in COVID-19 cases is once again being seen across Europe, while migrants continue to be excluded from government measures.

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Domestic violence, the silent threat for women during COVID-19


The Taskforce for Feminism, Diversity and Disabilities is launching a DiEM25 campaign addressing domestic violence during COVID-19.

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International day of persons with disabilities: COVID-19 and human rights


On this day we call for a revision of COVID-19 measures that include persons with disabilities in democratic processes of decision-making.

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World AIDS Day: The power of unconventional politics


The story of AIDS is a story of grassroots movements and pandemics.

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Gender pay gap: fighting each other over crumbs


20 November - Equal Pay Day - marked the day when women effectively started to work for free this year.

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Transgender Day of Remembrance: Martyrs at the altar of patriarchy


We at DiEM25 commemorate the trans people who have been murdered and are victims of systemic forms of anti-trans violence.

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Oppressed minorities held hostage at the EU negotiating table


The EU faces another attack on human rights on the part of the far-right Hungarian government with amendment on children's upbringing.

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We stand in solidarity with the women* of Poland


DiEM25 strongly condemns the recent court ruling in Poland on restricting abortions!

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