The US is a centralised political power that suppresses inconvenient truths that contradict its hegemonic narrative.
Leggi di più23.07.2020
An invasive wave of Edtech being implemented during COVID-19 is mining students for data and using it to experiment on and modify behaviour.
Leggi di più21.07.2020
The Windrush Generation continue to be deported and have limited access to benefits; a social worker explains how systemic racism plays a role.
Leggi di più20.07.2020
If EU officials wish to distinguish themselves from illiberal forces, they must drop the inhuman economic sanctions against Venezuelan people.
Leggi di più18.07.2020
Worker-owned 'Deliveroo alternative' Kolyma2 offers a potential blueprint for transitioning the platform economy to a post-capitalist world.
Leggi di più8.07.2020
Možemo! despite the difficult circumstances, and opposing giants like HDZ and SDP, achieved an excellent result and secured seats in parliament.
Leggi di più7.07.2020
Progress narratives overlook the oppression and exploitation of people under capitalism. Poverty and slavery are still plaguing our planet.
Leggi di più3.07.2020
Today Assange turns 49 in Belmarsh prison. This is the story of how he was persecuted for revealing the extent of what governments do in our names.
Leggi di più2.07.2020
Neoliberal mainstream media is engorged on its profits in societies merging with a hell of poverty, austerity and destitution.
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DiEM25 è finanziato esclusivamente da contributi individuali da persone come te. Non riceviamo sovvenzioni comunitarie, sovvenzioni statali o fondi da aziende. Per favore sostieni DiEM25 se puoi. Non conta l'importo, la tua donazione farà molto per la nostra scommessa di trasformare l'Europa.