As we commemorate Turkey's tragic pogrom event, we witness the same politically manipulated and provocative conditions half a century later.
Leggi di più8.09.2020
Not content with its own kangaroo court, the British establishment is blocking critical reporting of its record of corruption and lies.
Leggi di più8.09.2020
Ebru Timtik died amidst a hunger strike following a deeply flawed and highly politicised trial in March 2019. The people are demanding justice.
Leggi di più31.08.2020
The economy in Turkey is not only under the strain of the pandemic but also under the pressure of foreign policy and lasting structural problems.
Leggi di più28.08.2020
The emergence of COVID-19 has deflected attention from rising authoritarianism across a number of areas in Australia.
Leggi di più26.08.2020
Being housebound for months due to COVID-19 has highlighted the disparity in housing quality between the haves and have-nots.
Leggi di più24.08.2020
Alternative voices must be at invited to the negotiating table as part of a political solution towards true stability for Lebanon and its population.
Leggi di più12.08.2020
US pushes for "freedom gas" and threatens sanctions against EU companies building Nord Stream II after "Putin's Pipeline" Nord Stream I.
Leggi di più28.07.2020
Wikileaks editor-in-chief after yesterday's hearing: new indictments by US prosecutors are a 'third try' after failing to provide a 'credible case'.
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DiEM25 è finanziato esclusivamente da contributi individuali da persone come te. Non riceviamo sovvenzioni comunitarie, sovvenzioni statali o fondi da aziende. Per favore sostieni DiEM25 se puoi. Non conta l'importo, la tua donazione farà molto per la nostra scommessa di trasformare l'Europa.