Archivio: Local News (English)

Reduction of military spending in DiEM25’s New Deal, a contribution from Pressenza


As journalists at the international press agency Pressenza and activists of the Humanist association “World without Wars and Violence”, we ...

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"Los refugiados: crisis de la democrácia europea"

"Refugees: a crisis of European democracy" in support of World Refugee Day


Organised by DiEM25 Barcelona DSC in collaboration with CCAR (Catalan Commission for Aid to Refugees).

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DSC Berlin launches first DiEM-Lab Event: „How to build a Rebel City“


It took a while…but now the DSC Berlin is ready to launch its very first DiEM-Lab! DiEM25 Berlin opens a new space to foster grassroots politics ...

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The idea of Europe is in retreat and the European Union seems to have entered into an apparently irreversible crisis. With Brexit, one great ...

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Gender Equality in DiEM25


The world is suffering setbacks in Gender Politics. The repulsive statements and scandals of the Trump campaign are only one example for this. ...

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Barcelona – a city rallies for refugees


Last Saturday afternoon in Barcelona was momentous. A third of a million people came together to protest in our streets. It was the biggest ...

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Change from below – City for everybody


In Berlin a broad alliance of local initiatives takes to the streets for social housing and self-determined organisation of the city by its ...

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Yanis Varoufakis comes to King’s College London


Yanis Varoufakis made his way to Britain recently as part of his tours of the continent, aiming to mobilise support for DiEM25 and its ...

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Warmongering in the Balkans


Warmongering has always been an instrument which is used by elites to neutralize social resistance. When people start to raise their voices ...

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