Archivio: Articles

Varoufakis: Grounded Rwanda asylum flight a win for humanism


A late ruling by the European Court of Human Rights stepped in to overrule the move, putting a halt to the UK government’s dangerous plan

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Pride Month: Corporate hypocrisy and the need for a broader LGBT movement


The DiEM25 Coordinating Collective discussed a wide range of topics regarding the current state of the LGBT movement

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Global South activists connect social justice with climate justice


Millions of people all over the world have been marching on the streets to raise awareness about the climate crisis and to put pressure on ...

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MeRA25 in Greece and everywhere: Head on against the oligarchy


Report from the first big congress of our Greek electoral wing MeRA25 working head on against the oligarchy

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MeRA25 Greece opposes Greek-American defense agreement


The ratified agreement will see the US given access to three more military bases in Greece, further fueling geopolitical tensions

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Erik Edman: For a European Union of the people, not of oligarchs


Erik Edman highlighted the necessity of supporting victims of war before discussing the need for a New Non-Aligned Movement

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The European Commission’s CSAM legislation poses a huge threat to personal privacy


The scale of the legislation and what it seeks to regulate is alarming. It's not about publicly available content, but Europeans' private messages

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DiEM25 members approve five new proposals


DiEM25 members from across Europe and beyond have had their say on a handful of important topics

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Jeremy Corbyn: Only the Green Industrial Revolution can save this planet


Jeremy Corbyn spoke at the MeRA25 Congress in Athens following the presentation of the Athens Declaration.

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