The Ukraine war is being used as a pretext to block political content, which is certain to be exploited for wider reaching censorship.
Leggi di più16.03.2022
The impact of the tragic and unnecessary war in Ukraine is being increasingly felt on the poor and precarious
Leggi di più21.02.2022
Generating offence is a weapon of the Establishment – and they’re using it on you. Here’s how to fight back.
Leggi di più10.02.2022
'The 1% do as they wish while the 99% suffer as they must' seems to be the new slogan of the Conservative Party led by Boris Johnson.
Leggi di più5.02.2022
Interview with Beral Madra, art critic, curator, honorary president of AICA Turkey and member of DiEM25's Coordinating Collective.
Leggi di più31.01.2022
Mehran Khalili, adviser to DiEM25, writes about censorship, misinformation, and the Establishment vs Joe Rogan.
Leggi di più28.01.2022
A path that ends in a dead end can only create instability. That's the likely outcome of Portugal's election.
Leggi di più18.01.2022
Market fundamentalism is pushing the Mitsotakis government to adopt a measure that undermines its own vaccination drive.
Leggi di più10.01.2022
Don’t Look Up has become a successful movie because people are identifying with it. Many problems that we face are being problematised by it.
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DiEM25 è finanziato esclusivamente da contributi individuali da persone come te. Non riceviamo sovvenzioni comunitarie, sovvenzioni statali o fondi da aziende. Per favore sostieni DiEM25 se puoi. Non conta l'importo, la tua donazione farà molto per la nostra scommessa di trasformare l'Europa.