The Green New Deal for Europe
The Green New Deal for Europe is an international campaign for a swift, just, and democratic transition to a sustainable Europe.
Founded in April 2019 by DiEM25, the Green New Deal for Europe campaign aims to unite Europe’s communities, unions, parties, and activists behind a shared vision of environmental justice.
Our solution
We are fighting for a Green New Deal for Europe: a swift transition away from fossil fuels that protects frontline communities, empowers workers, and redresses Europe’s historic role in resource extraction around the world.
We achieve this mission in four key steps:
We are building a broad coalition of citizens, research organisations and civil society groups to contribute to a shared vision of Europe’s ecological transformation.
We are training a generation of activists to organise their communities, grow our movement, write for a public audience, and advance our shared vision in diverse communities across the continent.
We are mobilising to disrupt business as usual, deploying our people power to advocate for our shared vision on the streets.
We are deploying our political power in the media, across all levels of government, and in our communities to shift the policy paradigm and build a new common sense.
The Green New Deal for Europe is a living, breathing policy platform, drawing on the knowledge and experiences of researchers, activists, practitioners and communities around Europe.
Our coalition’s landmark policy report, the Blueprint for Europe’s Just Transition, maps out the policies and strategies needed to make the just transition a reality across Europe. The proposals it sets out fall into four themes:
- Pathways to the Green New Deal for Europe explores the grassroots organizing and mobilizing strategies that can help advance the agenda for a just transition.
- The Green Public Works is an investment plan to power Europe’s green transition and build a just, equal and democratic economy in the process.
- The Environmental Union is a new regulatory framework for the just transition, aligning Europe’s laws with the scientific consensus and legislates for sustainability and solidarity.
- The Environmental Justice Commission is an independent body to research, monitor, and advise EU policymakers to advance the cause of environmental justice across Europe and around the world.
The timeline
We begin by building our people power — equipping activists and organizers in DiEM25 and beyond with the tools, knowledge, and strategies to take the Green New Deal for Europe to their communities. We listen to and learn from Europeans of all stripes, building a shared vision of the just transition that is as exciting as it is necessary.
We begin to construct networks of solidarity — from activists and municipalities to political parties and trade unions willing to take bold action on the climate and environmental crises — and work together to advance our agenda from the bottom up.
We take our fight where it hits hardest — organizing actions and strikes that meaningfully disrupt the status quo; fielding candidates for office as DiEM25 or supporting allies who embrace our vision; and building a new common sense about the future of Europe.