European New Deal
Europe is plagued by chronic crisis: debts, banks, poverty, investment, and involuntary migration. DiEM25 aims to unite progressive forces across Europe to develop solutions to these crises and mobilise to make them a reality.
Crisis? What crisis?
For years, the EU establishment pretended that the crisis was over, congratulating themselves on fixing the problems they created in the first place.
But the crisis never went away. On the contrary, it deepened.
Involuntary unemployment has been the bitter price of austerity and a decade of net-zero public investment in our communities, our cities, and our continent.
But protectionism is not the solution. A retreat to the nation-state cannot solve the challenges that Europe faces as a continent, and humanity faces across the planet.
Involuntary migration has been another, as Europeans move because they must. With no jobs or prospects at home, there are no other options left.
But walls and fences are not the solution. Only shared investment can end the crisis of precarity and bring our communities back together.
Our Solutions
All Europeans should enjoy the right to basic goods (e.g. nutrition, shelter, transport, energy) in their home country, along with the right to paid work contributing to the maintenance of their communities while receiving a living wage, to decent social housing, to high quality health and education, and to a sustainable environment.
Europe’s future hinges on the capacity to harness the wealth that accumulates in Europe and turn it into investments for a green, sustainable, and innovative economy. Rather than emphasizing Europe’s ‘competitiveness’, we support the rise of productivity in green sectors everywhere.
In the increasingly digital economy, capital goods are produced collectively whilst their returns continue to be privatised. As Europe becomes more technologically advanced, it must implement policies for sharing the dividends resulting from this digital labour amongst citizens to ensure that benefits from the innovations of digitization and automation are shared.
Europe’s economies are stagnating because for too long macroeconomic management has been subcontracted to unaccountable technocrats. It is high time that macroeconomic management is fully democratised , and placed under the scrutiny of sovereign peoples.
Our Policies
Taming finance by regulating banking and establishing a new public digital payments platform that ends the monopoly of banks over Europe’s payments.
Ending precarity through an Anti-Poverty Program, a Social-Housing Program and a Jobs Guarantee Program.
Fixing the Euro and saving the Eurozone requires ending self-defeating austerity and minimising the cost of its disintegration in the case of its occurrence.
Pan-European coordination between Eurozone and non-Eurozone to maximise Europe’s recovery, optimise the economic and social outcomes across Europe, and address the major environmental and socioeconomic causes of involuntary migration.
Green investment linking central banking operations with public investment programs and the new public digital payments platforms.
A Universal Basic Dividend will be implemented in order to democratise the economic sphere and construct a pathway towards a post-capitalist economy.